The American Geographical Society’s Taiwan
For over a decade, beginning around 1955, and then again during a short 1990s revival, the American Geographical Society (AGS) published a large series of colorful small booklets as part of an “Around the World Program,” each introducing countries in the space of about 60 pages. Copies of individual volumes or combination bundles can be found from sellers all over the web, and I recently picked up the Taiwan volume (1968, 64 pages, 21 color images).
白安Ann [ 回家的路 On the way back home ] Official Music Video
四枝筆 Four Pens 「2019 Okinawa Tour Memory」
陳綺貞 Cheer Chen【太多 + 躺在你的衣櫃】夏季練習曲II 巡迴演唱會 Official Live Video
田馥甄 Hebe Tien《一一 One, after Another》MV幕後花絮
田馥甄 Hebe Tien《一一 One, after Another》Official Music Video
Della 丁噹 [ 命中注定 You Are My Destiny ] Official Music Video(戲劇《你是我的命中注定》片尾曲)
輔大法文2019年度公演《安蒂岡尼 Antigone》Jean Anouilh 完整演出
Forest of Taroko